Brussels, June 10, 2024:
In an unprecedented surge of support, the My Voice My Choice European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) has reached 500,000 signatures, making it the fastest-growing ECI in history according to ECI officials. The My Voice, My Choice campaign, initiated by European women's rights activists and NGOs, focuses on establishing a dedicated EU fund to ensure all women within the EU have access to abortion services and reproductive healthcare. This fund would help Member States provide safe abortion care for over 20 million women who are currently without access.
“These half a million voices are saying loudly and clearly that the EU must take action, that it must protect women and pass legislation that would help provide access to safe and accessible abortion care. But these are not just voices for concrete legislative action, these are voices for a Europe of equality, solidarity and compassion. Voices that are, in these dark times of wars, rising inequality and the reemergence of the far right, creating a more just, free and hopeful future” says Nika Kovač the director of the Institute 8th of March and the coordinator of the My Voice, My Choice movement.
The new European Commission that will be formed in the next weeks should already count that the demands of the My Voice, My Choice ECI will be heard already in the process of its formation. Similarly goes for the new European Parliamentarians, many of whom gave pledges of support to the demands of the My Voice, My Choice ECI if elected. “The new European Commission and Parliament will have a historic opportunity. The EU can finally move from words to action, passes legislation that helps more than 20 million women and shows concretely that the EU is there for its citizens”, said Maja Koražija from the Institute 8th of March.
Kika Fumero from Mi Voz, Mi Decision, Spain explains: “Half a million signatures in 45 days clearly demonstrate what we believe in the European Union and the stance of its citizens: abortion is a right, and we will not allow anyone to control our bodies and our lives. We will continue to collect signatures until we reach one million, ensuring that the European institutions must take a stand.”
Alice Coffin from Ma Voix, Mon Choix, France adds to this by saying: “This numerical result is in itself a sign that this campaign has produced extraordinary results. That for a huge proportion of the European population, the fight for abortion is a priority. In France, the campaign generated immense hope. The thirty or so public meetings, including six in extreme right-wing municipalities, generated numerous strategies for the future and will do much to strengthen the fight in France.".
On reaching the 1 million milestone, this proposal will then be submitted to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union for deliberation. Throughout this process, continued public and political support will be crucial in ensuring that the proposed legislation is adopted and implemented across the EU.
“We are not only halfway there. We are much further than anyone managed to get before us, ever. The thing, that we could not imagine - abortion being not only a political, but legislative issue on the EU level - is happening, with each signature collected, with each voice of support, with the gratitude and solidarity and sisterhood that connects us all.” concludes Marta Lempart, from the Polish Women Strike.